1. The foundation’s name is: Uzbekistan Netherlands Friendship Foundation.
  2. The abbreviated name is: UZNED.
  3. It is established in Delft.
  4. UZNED wants to build bridges between two countries, its institutions and companies.
  5. The foundation tries to achieve its goal through:
  6. Supporting travel from/to the Netherlands to/from Uzbekistan;
  7. Provide support in getting information about Uzbekistan in the Netherlands;
  8. Support matching of people, institutions and companies;
  9. Support in organizing seminars, conferences and (trade) missions;
  10. Support in setting up cooperation between institutions and companies;
  11. To support the management of social and cultural activities;
  12. The assets of the foundation will be formed:
    1. Contributions from the founders;
    1. Revenue from activities;
    1. Grants and donations;
    1. Gifts, heirlooms and legacies;
    1. All other acquisitions and income;
  13. UZNED is an organisation that does not aim to make a profit. Its primarily purpose is to support a social or non-profit cause. Board members receive no income and are unpaid.

Article 1

  1. The management statute is partly a mandating decision and contains provisions regarding:
    1. The division of tasks within the board of the UZNED.
    1. The scope and nature of the mandate of tasks and powers of the board of UZNED to the coordinator.
    1. Guidelines for the way in which these mandated tasks and powers should be performed.

Article 2

Duties of the Chairman

  1. The chairman ensures that the board functions as a team.
    1. The chair maintains contact with the coordinator of the UZNED.
    1. The chairman chairs the board meetings and signs the minutes and the annual report with the secretary, after they have been approved by the board.
    1. The chairman determines the number, place, day and time of the meetings of the board and the executive board in consultation with the secretary, with whom he also draws up the agenda in draft.
    1. The chairman prepares the meetings in consultation or in collaboration with the secretary.
    1. The chairman is responsible for strict compliance with the articles of association, the internal regulations and any other regulations.
    1. Without prejudice to the authority of the board, the chairman and in his/her absence or inability to act his deputy will represent the foundation in and out of court together with the secretary or another board member.
    1. The chairman sees to it that the budget for the coming year and the accounts and accounts of the past year are discussed as soon as possible in a board meeting. If the board members are not sent a copy of the budget and the accounts, they must be given the opportunity to inspect these documents in advance, to be determined by the chairman, to be determined by the chairman.

Duties of the Secretary

  1. By order of the chairman, the secretary shall convene the meetings of the board and day-to-day management in accordance with the articles of association.
  2. The secretary prepares the meetings in consultation or in collaboration with the chairman.
  3. The documents received are submitted by the secretary at the board meeting and, if desired, read aloud.
  4. The secretary is responsible for drawing up the minutes.
  5. The secretary drafts the annual report and presents it to the board at least fourteen days before the annual meeting.
  6. The secretary receives and conducts correspondence from the foundation and informs the members of the daily board and the other board members of the relevant information.
  7. The secretary monitors compliance with the retirement schedule of the board members drawn up by the board.
  8. Without prejudice to the authority of the board, the secretary and, in his absence or inability to act, his deputy, shall represent the foundation in and out of court together with the chairman.
  9. The secretary is also responsible for:
    1. Notifying changes in the board to the register of foundations;
    1. Keeping records in an orderly manner.

Tasks of the Treasurer

  1. The treasurer manages the assets of the foundation on behalf of the board, collects the funds and makes the payments.
  2. The treasurer is responsible for accurate accounting and sees to it that a supporting document is available for each payment. Money that is not immediately needed will be deposited into a giro or bank account by his care.
  3. The treasurer provides the board with access at all times to the cash and documents necessary for financial management.
  4. The treasurer drafts the budget for the coming financial year and submits it to the chairman before 1 October.
  5. Before 1 April, he also submits to the chairman the draft account and justification for the past year, together with an accountant’s report. The board ensures that the treasurer has a written power of attorney in connection with the performance of his duties.


  1. If there is a need for a vacancy for an employee, whether or not on a project basis or temporarily, the board will write a vacancy including a job description and profile. (If there is no need, the chairman fulfils this task.)
  2. Subsequently, an application committee is set up by the board.
  3. At the end of the application procedure, the application committee makes a recommendation to the board.
  4. The board ultimately takes a decision to appoint.
  5. In the case of a temporary project, the board can also appoint or appoint a board member as project leader or project employee on the recommendation of the coordinator.
  6. The board also decides on the dismissal of an employee.

Article 3

The Board of UZNED

  1. The board of UZNED has overall ultimate responsibility for the management of the foundation, general policy, the quality of the activities and operational management.
  2. The board of UZNED determines and monitors the identity of the foundation.
  3. The board of UZNED takes decisions with regard to determining the general policy of changing the foundation and the objective of the foundation.
  4. The board of UZNED appoints a coordinator.
  5. The board of UZNED adopts the budget, the annual accounts, the financial annual reports and the social annual report. The annual accounts are submitted to an accountant appointed by the UZNED board for adoption by the board of UZNED.
  6. The board of UZNED determines the strategic policy plan.
  7. The board of UZNED determines the organizational model.
  8. The board of UZNED annually draws up a plan based on the strategic policy plan for the policy areas:
    1. Management;
    1. Organization;
    1. Finance;
    1. Housing;
    1. Contacts with the affiliated organizations;
  9. The board of UZNED follows and checks the policy pursued on the basis of the management reports drawn up by the coordinator.
  10. The UZNED board conducts performance and assessment interviews with the coordinator.
  11. The board of UZNED decides on objections and complaints.

The board of UZNED can grant a mandate to the coordinator with regard to all legal and statutory tasks, insofar as not mentioned in this article.

Article 4


  1. Under the ultimate responsibility of the board of UZNED, the coordinator is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization and ensures the preparation and implementation of the policy established by the board of UZNED.
  2. The coordinator prepares the budget, the annual accounts, the financial reports and the social annual report and submits these to the board for adoption in a timely manner.
  3. Coordinator prepares the strategic policy plan and the annual policy plan with regard to the policy areas:
    1. Management;
    1. Organization;
    1. Finance;
    1. Facility services;
    1. Cooperation partners and consultation partners.

and submit it in good time to the board of UZNED for adoption.

  • Coordinator manages the formative and financial resources allocated by the board of UZNED. Payments are made by the treasurer or staff member mandated by the board to the extent permitted by the approved budget and policy.
  • Coordinator reports in writing and regularly, in accordance with guidelines to be determined by the board of UZNED, on the progress and results of the policy pursued.
  • Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the quality of the daily work in the workplace by personnel appointed by the board of UZNED.
  • Coordinator conducts performance and assessment interviews with staff members of the staff office.
  • Coordinator advises on the appointment and dismissal of personnel.
  • Coordinator represents the board of UZNED extrajudicially with regard to mandated powers, insofar as not provided otherwise in this statute.
  • Coordinator conducts consultations with the relevant persons and organizations on behalf of the board of UZNED.
  • Coordinator also carries out all tasks and responsibilities that have been assigned to the coordinator by mandate pursuant to Article 3 of this statute by the board of UZNED, as well as those tasks and responsibilities that are included in the job description associated with his position.
  • Coordinator is responsible and the point of contact for contacts with cooperation partners and consultation partners.
  • Coordinator maintains internal and external contacts and follows up on agreements between UZNED and the member umbrella organizations on the one hand, UZNED and the government or relevant social institutions on the other, such as ministries, provinces, municipalities, religious institutions, higher education institutions and related institutions in the welfare sector.

Article 5

Suspension and annulment of decisions.

  1. The board of UZNED can wholly or partially cancel decisions and/or measures taken by the coordinator due to violation of any applicable regulations and/or due to possible damage to the interests of the foundation.
  2. The chairman of the board of UZNED can decide to suspend a decision or measure taken by the coordinator if, in his opinion, the decision or measure qualifies for annulment.